Date: 5/12/10 from by Lee L Liou
1. 上個星期六(5/8/10)上午10:00 AM – 3:00 PM 中西部夏令會派了一隊同工在我們教會舉辦一個註冊訓練會。這隊同工包括許秀芬姊妹,盧建安,吳凡和李杰等弟兄。很高興看到老同工因著同一個目的在一起共事,這個目的就是榮神益人。同樣高興的就是有33位同工來參加註冊訓練會。感谢神这样地怜悯負責的同工和教會,也感谢弟兄姊妹这样地熱心參與。愿荣耀归于神,愿平安和喜乐归于我们每一位。我們更願意以後有更多機會和主愛堂的弟兄姊妹一齊來同工服事神並且造就人。
2. 中西部夏令會即將來到。早註冊節截止日期是6/6。請弟兄姊妹踴躍報名參加夏令會。今年我們是主辦教會,希望能得到最大的支持,並懇請在禱告中紀念這件事。報名表將會在會堂外面桌上,請填寫後交與況志峰或呂志包弟兄。
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
1. Last Saturday (5/8/10) from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, MCCA sent a training team to DCCC to train retreat registration coworkers. The training team includes Sister Pauline Hsu, Brothers Jeremy Lu, Fine Wu and Jet Li. It is so nice to see our brothers and sister from Agape sister church coming to DCCC for the purpose serving the Lord together. Equally nice is to see 33 people from DCCC come to the training. God permitting, there will be more opportunities like this. How we wish that the day that we’ll serve the Lord in one accord between these two churches will come soon.
2. MCCA summer retreat is near. I would like to remind you that the early registration deadline is June the sixth. The registration form and instruction will be available this Sunday. Please come to sign up the summer retreat and fill the registration form. DCCC is the host of MCCA summer retreat this year. We need as much support as possible from our brothers and sisters in this church. Please remember this task in your prayer.
May God bless you and your family!
Let's Pray:
MCCA summer retreat is near. Please pray for the strength of coworkers who will serve in the retreat, and pray for the success of the retreat that the attendees may be restored and recharged with spiritual power.
Lynn’s mother rested in the Lord last week. Remember her and her family in your prayer. Especially pray for her father to be comforted and to find a resting home.
Please pray for Dr.Meng and his wife. Tse-Hua is traveling in Mainland, and Dr. Meng is ill. Pray for Meng’s health and Tse-Hua’s safe trip.
Please continue to pray for Jiang’s family when they are looking for His guidance.
請為Charles Tseng 找工作的事代禱,但願慈愛的主很快的讓他找到工作。
Please pray for Charles Tseng who is looking for a job.
Isaiah 以賽亞書 56:7b "for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.因我的殿必稱為萬民禱告的殿。"
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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